How can fettling be avoided?
The best way is to use a quality protective coater who will firstly shot blast any items to ensure they are smooth and free of any imperfections left over from the casting. Second, we would recommend that items are hot zinc sprayed, this allows an even, smooth application of zinc to ensure the items need no fettling. After a light rub down the primer and topcoats can be applied, leaving you with the perfect finished product.
Experts in HZS
At NSP we only use HZS to protect our work, we think it gives a superior finish and we trust it so much it’s a part of our 60 year guarantee.
Hot zinc spraying is lower in cost and much quicker than other alternatives, like hot dip galvanising. It gives your products a professional finish while preparing them for the outdoors, increasing their lifespan and overall value.
View examples of our work by clicking here. Alternatively, get in touch with us directly and learn more about our service, or request a free quote, by clicking here.